Office and Manufacturing
More corporations and manufacturers have been looking to protect their future earning potential in a post 9-11 society by updating existing security systems. Statistics will indicate that improving your security system may help to alleviate some of the emerging concerns with additional security issues. The truth is that all the security advances and the costs that are associated with these additions will not provide 100% protection from terrorism, fires, explosions, equipment malfunctions all of which can produce a need to evacuate the facility.
In understanding that these security advances will help but can’t insure that the lives of the employee’s, visitors and even family members within the facility will never have to evacuate the structure. This is where SafetyNet™ works with your existing security system to ensure that if an evacuation is necessary, your employee’s and visitors will have a system in place to ensure the best possible chance to survive an emergency evacuation of the facility.
One of SafetyNet™ main benefits includes continually updating information indicating the building census. In an evacuation situation, SafetyNet™ can streamline the evacuation data so that the facility and first responders can work together to save lives and property. SafetyNet™ is designed to be simple in design and structure but very powerful and accurate in producing the desired information within a given time frame. The old saying is true… “Time is money” but when it comes to evacuations time can mean the difference between life and death.
The SafetyNet™ system compliments existing security systems by providing technology to save lives when security systems fail. No security system is flawless and this is why we need a safety system that will protect your investment in the building, equipment and most importantly your employee’s. The main concern is for human lives, but how will you be able to replace your employee’s and there extensive knowledge of your business. SafetyNet™ can help to ensure that everyone has a fighting chance to survive the evacuation.
SafetyNet™ Will Save Lives!
Minimal training will be provided to security and management personnel in the operation of SafetyNet™ functions. Also training for employee’s as well as visitors can be time consuming and expensive. The SafetyNet™ structure and platform provides a system that is automated to reduce the human latent evacuation procedures existing to date. Employees and visitors will have an existing security badge and upon hearing the evacuation alarm, they need to vacate the building at the nearest exit and scan their badge at a SafetyNet™ station in a safe area around the facility. They will stay at the Safe area until notified to return to the facility. You just went through SafetyNet™ training for your facility. By reducing the variables that are plaguing our current evacuation procedures, SafetyNet™ enables an automated platform that alleviates the negative variables with current evacuation procedures.
After all, we evacuate the facility because lives could be in danger. Why would we have a system in place that can’t provide an accurate accounting during the evacuation? That is exactly what we have in today’s evacuation procedures.
Corporations can not afford to take chances with the lives of their employees. Incorporate the SafetyNet™ platform that will provide a proactive and truly comprehensive safety accountability system that will protect your most valuable assets, your employees!
SafetyNet™……..Because Every Life Counts!